We just celebrated my dad’s 7th anniversary of his passing, which seems to be an interesting and culmination time of a lot of energies. Years of clearing from my generational lineage and learning how to more effectively release generational karma have led me to live a life that is authentic and soul-sovereign.
There is no denying that the earth is going through a period of darkness and transformation. We have all been awakening to higher truths, and energies are coming up for clearing. Many of us are doing the work of healing for the collective consciousness, facing the shadows within ourselves. It’s not an easy process, but it is necessary and important for our growth and for the collective.
As I turn 42 this coming year, I have been old enough to witness and feel into a deeper dimension that whatever karma is in our bloodline will often carry onto the next generation, whomever unconsciously agreed to take on the energy. After all, we are all here to build honor and merits for our lineage.
Whatever patterns our parents were unable to heal will continue through the generations until someone finally transmutes the energy—be it shame, greed, fear, or ignorance. For each generation, the energies will become stronger and more intense. For example, if there is a cycle of idolatry and manipulation in the generational lineage, that cycle will worsen until someone finally heals the energy of those low vibrations.
We are not separate, and when we heal ourselves, we also heal those around us.
Since my dad and brother passed, I have been blessed to feel their spirit and feel closer to them than ever before. Before my dad passed, he reminded us to continue to love. When my brother passed, I would be reminded through songs to “rise.” I would sense him every time the song "Rise" by Calum Scott played on the radio. I have been working on transmuting my own energies.
Since their passing and my own journey, things became really interesting for me. I want to share my story as I think it’s an important lesson about how we are all connected and how energies travel within family structures and continue until they are healed and felt. Now is the time to heal these energies.
Right after my brother passed away, I started having emotions that were very unlike me. I began to feel like a victim and even manifested circumstances that would “prove” my victimhood.
At this point, I was very far into my studies of the mind-body connection and esoteric teachings and philosophies. I had just launched the idea of Soulfully Rich, yet things were moving slowly or not at all. My brother would be described as someone who was loving and who would leave the world better than he found it. After all, this was etched on his leather journal. He loved those around him, even at the expense of himself.
There are no accidents or coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, and we have soul contracts with those in this lifetime to teach us and walk us through energies we need to feel and transmute. A soul may come into this lifetime wanting to learn what it would be like to be abused and will create circumstances that look abusive. This will create contrast and a feeling of being separate from God. This is so the soul can evolve and find its way back to God.
Our soul chooses to experience many things we as human egos or personalities would call “bad.” This is because our souls are on this planet to learn, grow, and experience what it’s like to be in human bodies and live in limitation. What our soul wants to experience is often not what we as human personalities or egos want to experience, so we judge it as “bad.” This does not mean that we shouldn’t have compassion for those going through abuse or that their pain is not real. It’s very real, and I have the utmost compassion for anyone going through such an experience or any other traumatic experience.
No matter what it looks like in life, there are no “accidents.” Everything is happening by Divine Law and order even when our human minds don’t understand why something is happening.
I grew up with parents who were extremely generous and spiritual yet could not set up energetic boundaries for their own needs, let alone mine. There’s no blame here, only extreme gratefulness and awareness. There were many contrasts growing up like this, watching loved ones give their power away. I, too, suppressed a lot of the pain, anger, and shame, as that was the only way I could cope at the time. This is what we often do when processing our emotions is too much to handle.
But any emotion that is not fully expressed becomes an energy block stuck in our energy field. These blocks create mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical pain if we don’t release the emotions—even illness. Trust me, I have overcome many health diagnoses, and I am a firm believer that what is held in the mind manifests in the physical.
The shame I felt was deep, yet I couldn’t put words to how I felt. I just felt not enough and never good enough. At one point, I deeply resented my parents, but on the other hand, they were the best teachers because the best teachers show you what not to do. The very souls I traveled with in this lifetime have shown me what not to do!
Remember, there are no victims, only volunteers in this life. You are here for a reason, a purpose. You created this beautiful simulation called Life. And it's beautiful!
The point I want to make is that there was a lot of suppressed energy of anger, shame, resentment, hopelessness, unworthiness, abuse, and victimhood that was stuck in my DNA field that needed to be processed. It became clear that I am here to process all the denser aspects of my bloodline, and it’s not for the faint of heart. Of course, we are not conscious of having these energies in our subconscious, but when something is in your energy field or subconscious, it will trigger events and circumstances that show you what is in your energy field.
If you wonder what’s in your energy field, take a look at what’s showing up in your life. What you see in your life is always a reflection of you and your energy field, whether you understand it or not. We create everything in our life, even when we don’t understand why we would create a certain circumstance.
Being a very powerful and near-instant manifester, I created a lot of trauma and pain as a result of carrying these “new” energies. Circumstances would prove that something was going on in my subconscious and energy field, as we create everything we experience, and everything is created from our consciousness.
The best way to know what's in your subconscious is to see what is showing up in your life. If you see it outside of you, it’s also inside of you. In fact, the inside of you created it. It’s coming from within, whether you want to admit it or not. Everything is a projection of your energy field. Of course, most of this is unconscious energy stuck in the subconscious mind. Our job is to make these energies conscious and clear them, to shed light on the shadow and integrate it.
The truth is these energies were not new at all. They were energies I had previously had to process and thought I had cleared completely. But there are always new layers. So it would be fair to say that part of these energies were deeper layers of my own healing as well as energies my dad and mom had taken on from their ancestors. And, I know that I also did a lot of healing for the collective consciousness as well.
When we suppress emotions, they don’t go away. This walk is not sunshine and roses, as I have said many times, but it requires us to face the deepest and darkest parts of ourselves. Anything else is spiritual bypass. We must feel our feelings and not make our emotions wrong. Anything that triggers you is an opportunity to heal. Your soul is creating these events so that you can finally heal. When shit hits the wall, it’s an opportunity to heal and forgive. Life is happening for you, not to you. You are a conscious creator of it all. The people in your life are just actors playing out the lessons you need to learn and have agreed for them to play before you incarnated here.
Instead of saying, "Why is this happening to me," a better, more productive question would be, "Why did I choose to experience this, and what is this teaching me?"
Our minds (energy fields) create everything in our life, and we can create heaven on earth or hell, and I have done both. Of course, having the tools to pull myself out of “hell” was very helpful, and I could do it a lot faster than someone who doesn’t have those tools and doesn’t understand how the mind works. Heaven or hell is not a place outside of yourself, but a state of mind.
Nobody is coming to save you. Christ is inside of you, and you need to save yourself! It’s a matter of living in Christ Consciousness, which is essentially the energy of love. To do that, we need to heal and let go of the limitations and judgments of the ego and learn to live from a place of love. If we carry a lot of anger, resentment, sadness, or pain, it lowers the vibration. We need to learn to love everything, even the things we don’t like. It’s a process of healing, doing shadow work and forgiveness, as well as living from a higher level of awareness and unity consciousness.
If you want to learn more about how to create your own heaven on earth, elevate your consciousness, and create a life and business that is SOULFULLY RICH, I invite you to reach out to me at natalie@soulfullyrich.com. I can help you completely transform your challenges and create a reality where miracles become part of daily life.